Currently there are 40,000 cases a year in the U.S. of reported head and neck cancer and
research has shown : 2/3 will experience dysphagia (difficulty swallowing).

Survivors of head and neck cancer have a distinct challenge in eating and drinking. While some cancer treatments may affect appetite or
cause nausea, often treatment for head and neck cancer directly impacts the very mechanisms we use to swallow our food or liquid, such as
the tongue, the jaw, the larynx, the pharynx, the esophagus etc...

Radiation and chemo/radiation can result in swelling, hardening and restricted movement in these areas, making it difficult and sometimes
impossible to swallow normally. In many cases the food or liquid may end up in the lungs (aspiration) causing even more health problems.
The goods news is that with highly specialized and targeted therapeutic interventions this does not have to be a permanent condition.

Our program is based on sound scientific research and our highly skilled staff of medical professionals is uniquely trained for
this type of swallowing difficulty.
*   Physician Consultation
Our physicians perform a comprehensive consultation coordinating care with our team of licensed and certified            
speech-language pathologists, physical therapists, dieticians, and psychologists, to oversee and provide a medically      
sound basis for our patient’s treatment plan.  All consultations and treatment programs are sent to the referring physician     
to keep them fully informed and involved with each plan of treatment.

*   Modified Barium Swallow Testing
A digital fluoroscopy system is utilized to evaluate oral and pharyngeal anatomy and physiology(including silent aspiration),
with a complete report to include a safe diet level, compensatory techniques/manuevers to assist our patients with remaining
on their least restrictive diet, identification of anatomical/physiological deficits and a treatment plan for rehabilitation.

*   Nutritional Counseling
Proper nutritional intake is a special concern among those with difficulty swallowing and head and neck cancer. Our
Registered Dieticians provide dietary assessments and counseling services to provide guidance for management of
nutritional and hydration needs.

* Psychological Services/Patient Counseling
Coping with cancer sometimes requires some professional help. Our staff is able to provide qualified mental health
counselors when indicated.

* Group Meetings
A group setting can provide a wonderful way to share experiences, questions, concerns etc. Our groups serve as a support
network as well as a means to receive valuable information via a variety of qualified guest speakers.

*Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
This technique, pioneered by our program director, uses tiny pulses of painless, electrical current to stimulate the nerves
that provide both sensation and movement for the swallowing system. Use of electrical current has been shown through
research to not only restore muscle function and range of motion but also demonstrates promise to improve salivary function
and reduce the hardening effects (fibrosis) of the radiated area.

* Myofascial Release/ Soft Tissue Manipulation
Radiation treatment can result in swelling (edema) and hardening (fibrosis) in the radiated area. This makes it difficult to
swallow as the movement of the muscles is restricted and can also cause pain or soreness. The use of these specialized
massage techniques helps soften the tissues and allow for greater freedom of movement and less pain.

*  Exercise Programs
There are specifically designed exercises that have been proven to improve swallow function and increase range of motion
of the head and neck. These exercises will be demonstrated by a skilled professional with focus on correct technique to
maximize benefit.

*  Home Program
An easy to follow home program is an essential component to a successful outcome.  An individual daily journal helps our
patients to record and complete home treatments successfully and accurately.
We do not endorse these links, and encourage full investigation before personal use of service.